Seth Godin just wrote a post with the same title. He talked about the space in which you work being important. I’d like to highlight the space – the space itself. Not what’s IN that space, but the space.
Look around you for a moment and list 5 things you see. For example, I see tables, chairs, floor, counter, and windows. But what else is there? There is space. Without space between these things that I see, those things couldn’t exist – they would be on top of the other. The space allows the things to be.
I often get asked, “what’s the difference between Coaching and Consulting? Or between Coaching and Psychology?” Here’s what I respond:
Pretend you’re lost in the middle of the woods. A Psychologist will ask you all kinds of questions to help you understand how and why you ended up in the woods.
A Consultant will take out a GPS and guide you out of the woods
A Coach will ask you where you want to go, give you your own GPS, and walk with you as you find your own way out of the woods.
In this way, when you find yourself lost in the woods again (and it happens all the time), you will be empowered to help yourself find your own way out.
Coaching equals connecting. Connecting the answers you have inside with the correct questions you have inside.
For example, the answer is “yes”, but what’s the question?? Is the question “should I marry this person” or is it “should I quit my job??” We all have questions floating around in our head – sometimes colliding with each other. But so few of us take the time to listen to the answers. They’re there. Coaching can help you find them.